Layering your lighting

You all know by now that I loooove a good table lamp. Or really just any light that ISN’T your overhead lighting. Unless you live in a home with a well thought out electrical plan, chances are your overhead lighting sucks. Also, chances are your overhead lighting levels are way too harsh, too dim, or just make you look bad (seriously, down lighting is never great for anyone’s look).  In our apartment, the overhead lighting in our living room is JUST a super dim and super cool toned fan light - no bueno. Because of this I have played around with how to get adequate levels of light with layering lighting levels.

To break it down for you - you should layer the light in your home just like you layer your clothes. Think you’ve got it figured out? I guarantee you this way of thinking when lighting your home will change the way you see your space…

Start with the base layer - the things you need all the time

Task lighting. I equate this to your undies. You always need it, it’s the first thing you put on, and it serves a pretty functional task. Just like task lighting! This is the most basic level of lighting that you need, and should be the first think you reach to turn on when you need light. In your home task lighting could be the under counter kitchen cabinet lights, your bedside table lamp, or the walls sconces in your bathroom. Just whatever you do… DON’T turn on your overhead lights first…

Shop Under Counter Lighting

Next up - the basics

Accent Lighting. I equate this level of lighting to your jeans and t-shirt. You couldn’t leave the house without it, but you don’t wear them allll day. Plus, these clothes can change depending on your mood, activity, and are really an expression of your style. Just like accent lighting! Accent lighting in your home is meant to fill the room with accents or spots of light. It is not meant to light your whole entire space, but it is meant to fill most of the room with light. It is there for when you want general lighting that is a more medium level between your overhead lighting and your task lighting. In your home, think of accent lighting as the lamps on your tv console, the walls sconces down your hallway, or the floor lamp in your reading corner. 

In my home we use our accent lighting wayyyy more than our ambient or overhead lighting. This is because it gives off a much softer, relaxed light. Accent lighting is also more decorative, and allows for light to travel through the space differently - highlighting different areas of your space than task or ambient lighting. 

Table Lamps

Table Lamps

Shop my favorite Table Lamps

Wall Sconces

Wall Sconces

Shop my favorite Wall Sconces

Lastly - the top and final layer

Ambient lighting. I equate this level of lighting to your winter coat or the sweater you need when your cold. You only need it some of the time, and it only stays on when you are outside or doing certain task. Just like ambient lighting. Ambient lighting is all your overhead lights. It provides the most general lighting through your home. It is great for general light to fill your space, but should never be the only lighting level used. It is perfect for hallways, overhead kitchen lights, or your closet lights. It’s not always needed in areas you relax in, like your bedroom or living room because it gives off a harsher and more glaring light level. 

What do you think? Did I surprise you with how to think of lighting your space? I guarantee you as soon as you stop turning on your overhead light and play around with lighting your space with accent and task lighting, you will transform the look and feel of your space!