Plug in Wall Sconces

Especially when they get so much hate…

I can’t tell you how many people I have asked that HATE plug in wall sconces. I’ve heard it all - “i don’t want to see the cord”, “why would you want to see the cord like that”, “they don’t look good”. WELL, I’m here to debunk every single complaint on plug in wall scones and make you love them again. Because I certainly do!! 

Why they are perfect for any home, but especially for renters:

I know we all love the look of wall sconces. They are a great way to get light coming from the middle area of your room. With wall sconces, the light source is higher than a table lamp, but lower than your can-lighting from the ceiling. So, how do you get this awesome lighting look from wall sconces in a rental where you can’t hardwire anything? Plug in wall sconces. 

Trust me, I would much rather hardwire these bad boys. However, this isn’t really an option in our two bedroom rental. Instead of living with the limited lighting options of table lamps and the lights overhead, I’ve decided to install some plug in light fixtures in our own home to show you how amazing they truly are! See below where I’ve installed these amazing glass and antiqued brushed brass plug in wall sconces on either side of our TV in the bedroom. 

Why the Cord works

First off, these bad boys were DESIGNED to show the cord. I get it, it’s not your typical way of seeing a wall sconce, BUT don’t you tell me that these don’t look good with the cord shown. The designers that made these sconces have put time and energy into designing the sconce WITH the cord hanging from it. Having the cord hang down from a sconce is a WHOLE LOOK, see below for some of my favorite Inso images. 


Still hate the cord, but love the functionality?

Not to worry! You can get these coordinating metal covers to decoratively cover the cord. One thing to keep in mind is that the metals might not always match *perfectly* here. There are a ton of different antique brass finishes out there, but luckily most manufacturers offer free returns if you don’t like the finish of either the sconce or the cord cover! 

The Best Metal Cord Covers

Where to use them

There are a ton of places to use plug in wall sconces throughout your home. I think they always look best when they are used in twos, or pairs. I love they way the look over side tables on either side of a bed. Or, flanking either side of a TV, like how we’ve done in our bedroom! You can use them alone over an entry nook, reading corner, or to accompany a art vignette!

Check out my Favorites below!


thanks for reading

xoxo -Rach