
Quarantine Cooking

I would be lying to you if I told you that we cooked more than normal during quarantine. I feel we are actually eating more frozen meals, fast food, and take out (all picked up with us wearing a mask, of course)! Whenever we do cook, I always look for meals with the easiest prep, AND the easiest clean up. Over the last couple of years we have acquired a crock pot, instant pot, and (most recently for my bday) a Le Creuset Dutch Oven!! 

Quarantine Cooking Family

This past week we cooked our first ever meal in our Le Creuset! This Wine Braised Chicken Thighs with Shallots and Mushrooms was Amazing!! I wish I could say I am a pro chef with hundreds of passed down family recipes. However, this just is not the case. Almost all of my recipes come from Pinterest.

Here is my Pinterest Board

dedicated to cooking, recipes, plus the best meals for hosting. 

Below are my recent favorite recipes that we have cooked (almost) every week during quarantine. Key elements include easy to throw together, quick cook time, and easy to clean up! I think this next week we’ll cook the Sheet Pan Steak Fajitas, and the salmon! Do you have any recipes we should add into the rotation? Comment below!